How do Invisalign® Clear Braces Compare to Metal Braces?

Oct 1 • 2 minute read

How do Invisalign® Clear Braces Compare to Metal Braces?

A straight smile can be achieved with traditional orthodontics. However, the idea of metal braces can deter many patients from seeking treatment. A virtually invisible design makes Invisalign clear braces ideal for patients looking for a discreet, yet effective way of achieving a straighter smile.
Invisalign can correct the following concerns:

Overcrowded Teeth – When teeth have been pushed together and overlap each other, orthodontics are required for repositioning. Invisalign corrects most cases of crowding. 

Gaps between Teeth – If teeth are unevenly spaced, leaving gaps between them, Invisalign creates aesthetic alignment by moving teeth closer together.

Alignment Issues – If problems with the alignment of your teeth are not corrected they can lead to TMJ dysfunction, bruxism, and advanced wear on dental enamel. Invisalign clear aligner trays address this by straightening the smile to create a healthy balance between arches. 

Better Oral Health

Straight teeth are easy to care for at home, lowering patients’ risk for periodontal disease and decay. Invisalign treatment is provided to meet the aesthetic goals of our patients, as well as to enable patients to keep their teeth healthy longer. 

How Invisalign Treatment Works

Treatment begins by obtaining a detailed impression of your teeth which is sent to the Invisalign lab to formulate your treatment. A simulation of your progression is then sent back to our practice where you can view projected results before receiving the aligners. 

If you proceed, a series of comfortable custom trays, which fit over your teeth to gradually move them into proper position, are created according to your unique needs. By replacing them every two weeks with the next set in the series, these clear braces get you ever closer to a straight and healthy smile. 

Your clear aligners must be worn 22 hours per day, only removing them to eat, brush, and floss. You will be seen periodically to review your progress and receive a new supply of aligners.

While Invisalign is not appropriate for children, this teeth straightening method is extremely effective and can correct most orthodontic issues for teens and adults. Many versions of Invisalign can even shorten treatment time when compared to traditional metal braces.

Invisalign Clear Braces in Grand Forks, ND

Invisalign clear aligners are available in Grand Forks, ND through Riverside Dental to help you achieve your desired smile aesthetics and long-term oral health. For more information about our Invisalign treatment package, contact our practice today!  

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